The Original Mummy Eye Chalice was my only chalice for a long time... I received my very first frag from whodah at exoticfrags.us... I was fortunate enough to receive a frag way before it was released to the public... unfortunately, when I moved to our house in Nov 2007, I lost my original frag/mini colony... on July 2008, I was able to acquire another frag, also with lineaged to whodah so I know it's the original one... it has been growing nicely ever since... a friend came by to do the first frag session in Feb 2009... this was one of the most expensive frag sessions ever, when I say expensive, I mean my losses...
never put freshly cut chalice on med-high flow & med-high light... that is a recipe for disaster in my experience... we made about 8-9 frags and 5-6 frags were dead in 1-2 weeks... we managed to save a few frags and the main colony is starting to grow again so at least that's good news... anyway, the picture above is on her glory days, just a few days before going under the blade...